Knights of Columbus
Bishop Francis J. Green Council 11855

Patriotic (4th) Degree

Cost is estimated at $70.00 per candidate.

No! A dark colored suit is all you need. If you wish to become a member of the Color Corps and participate in Honor Guards at Mass and Patriotic Events you will need to purchase a uniform from Wearout date for the regalia shown above is 30 Jun 2019.
If you are over 18 years of age; a citizen of the country in which you reside; a practical Catholic in union with the Holy See; and you are a Third Degree member in good standing, it’s time to consider joining the ranks of the Fourth Degree.

Ask your council officers for a Form 4 - application form for Patriotic (4th) Degree. We encourage you to join the Father Anthony Rey Assembly # 3617. Most 4th degree knights in our council are members of this assembly. We encourage you to visit their website. Look over the photos to get an idea of how our assembly supports the church, our school, and our community.
If you desire to become an active member of the Color Corps, you will need to purchase the 4th degree uniform. The Asssembly has a uniform fund which permits loans to members for the purpose of buying a uniform. Terms of repayment depend on your individual situation and must be discussed with the Faithful Navigator (he is like the Grand Knight but at the assembly level).