Knights of Columbus
Bishop Francis J. Green Council 11855

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5th Grade Cubbies

Kindergarten Cubbies

In January 2017, our council built two sets of 30 cubbies out of red oak, one for each 5th grade classroom. In July 2017, the knights repaired and repainted the cubbies in the kindergarten classrooms.

Shelves in Mrs. Levario's Classroom
15 February 2019



At the request of our 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Levario, the knights built her a closet with shelves. Strong enough for the knights' offensive line (our 285 lbs members) to use as bunk beds. This whole day project was started and finished on 15 February 2019.

Shelves in Mrs. Leon's Kindergarten Classroom Closet A
13 June 2019



The knights built shelves in two closets in Mrs. Leon's kindergarten classroom. Above is closet A. This one day project was started and finished on 13 June 2019. Hard part was emptying the closet of everything so we could build the shelves. Putting things back was so much easier. We replaced 11 inch deep shelves (not too sturdy) with extra sturdy 24 inch deep shelves.

Shelves in Mrs. Leon's Kindergarten Classroom Closet B
25 June 2019



The knights built shelves in two closets in Mrs. Leon's kindergarten classroom. Above is closet B. This one day project was started and finished on 25 June 2019. Hard part was emptying the closet of everything so we could build the shelves. Putting things back was so much easier. I don't pretend that this was a tough project but when the knight in the picture started this project, his beard was black.

Shelf for AED box in Coaches Office
08 July 2019



One knight built a shelf for the AED box in the coaches office. This was our most simple shelf for the summer 2019.

Shelves in the closet in Music Room
20 July 2019

During Constructon


The knights built shelves in the closet of the Music Room in Madonna Hall East. This half-day project was started and finished on 20 July 2019. Only took half a day because we had twice the number of knights as when we built the shelves in Mrs. Leon's Kindergarten. In addition to the shelves, we built a 33 inch wide costume hanging bar.

Shelves in the closet in Mrs. Raptis' Kindergarten
20 July 2019



The knights built shelves in the closet of Mrs. Raptis' Kindergarten Room. This half-day project was started and finished on 20 July 2019. Four knights worked on this project.

Shelves in the closet of the coaches storage room
20 July 2019



Two knights built a shelf for the digital timer clocks in the closet of the coaches storage room. This project took less than half-a- day. All that experience working on the shelves in the music room made this single shelf project easy work.

Shelves and coat hooks in Miss Motter's 5th Grade Classroom
01 August 2019

Coat Hooks

Three Shelves

Shelf in Mrs. Kamei's 1st Grade Classroom
01 August 2019

During Construction
